Sunday, February 2, 2014

Drip, Drip, Dripping

Tiptoeing in, silent,
Peeking around the corner
Watching waiting,
Quite as the mourner,

The fog, drip, drip,dripping
Silvery,ghost like hands
Moving in, drip, drip, dripping

Moving slowly, drip, drip, dripping
Leaving a cold moist kiss
Swirling tendrils, drip, drip, dripping

Thick and thin drip, drip, dripping
Here then gone again
Muffling sounds, drip, drip, dripping

Hated, yet loved, drip, drip, dripping
Embraced, yet rejected
Desired, yet scorned,drip, drip, dripping

Leaving, job done, drip, drip, dripping
Til next time needed
Moving on, drip, drip, dripping

Tiptoeing out, silent,
Peeking around the corner
Watching waiting,
Quite as the mourner,
Copyrighted by Songs of my Heart 2014


  1. ha. i like how the dripping sound plays off the quiet as a mourner....the repetition of the mourner line as well is my its been raining a bit in your neck of the woods....we will get either rain or snow this week...all depending on what the temp does....

  2. Your repeating line was very effective. I do think the constant dripping would be difficult after a while....until it eventually faded into the background as 'white noise.'

  3. Yes, impressive and beautiful poem!

  4. Great post! Like your header too!

  5. The dripping is like tears as well as just plain water--almost like a water torture--but certainly something grinding away at the narrator--thanks so much for participating. k.

  6. Sounds like it has been very wet there!
